Foundation Crack Repair, Basement Waterproofing Blog

How Winter Weather Can Wreak Havoc On Your Foundation

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Northeast just received nearly 2 feet of snow from the nor’easter cyclone bomb. With that came arctic-like temperatures.  In this episode, Adam Tracy explains how winter weather can wreak havoc on your foundation. Narrator: It’s time once again for the “Crack Man Podcast” hosted by A1 Foundation Crack Repair. I’m Darren Kincaid here with the Crack Daddy himself, Adam Tracy. Adam and The Crack Man Rich have over 30 years’ experience in the construction...

How can poor landscaping decisions affect your foundation?

Wednesday, March 02, 2022

On the 14th hole of a local golf course, a house is being built on the side of a hill. The street level is even with the top of the second story, just to give you an idea of the slope.  That could be a problem if the builders don’t figure out a way to divert the water run-off. Adam explains the ramifications of poor landscape design when it comes to foundations. Narrator: It’s time...

Why isn’t my DIY crack repair using hydraulic cement working?

Tuesday, March 01, 2022

The big box stores do a great job of hyping crack repair products but they don’t really seem to do the job as advertised. Why is that? Adam explains why a DIY crack repair using hydraulic cement doesn’t always work. Narrator: It’s time once again for the “Crack Man Podcast” hosted by A1 Foundation Crack Repair. I’m Darren Kincaid here with the Crack Daddy himself, Adam Tracy. Adam and The Crack Man Rich have over...

How can fixing your home’s foundation make it more energy efficient?

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Modern homes are extremely efficient but many people own very old homes. A gaping hole in the foundation can make it costly to heat or cool. The Crack Daddy explains how to make an older home with a fieldstone foundation more energy efficient. Narrator: It’s time once again for the “Crack Man Podcast” hosted by A1 Foundation Crack Repair. I’m Darren Kincaid here with the Crack Daddy himself, Adam Tracy. Adam and The Crack Man...

Moldy basement nearly tanks home sale for first time sellers and buyers

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

A moldy basement won't pass most home inspections and it certainly won’t pass the smell test. In this episode, Adam shares a case study on how a moldy basement can easily tank a home sale. Narrator: It’s time once again for the “Crack Man Podcast” hosted by A1 Foundation Crack Repair. I’m Darren Kincaid here with the Crack Daddy himself, Adam Tracy. Adam and The Crack Man Rich have over 30 years’ experience in the construction...

Hidden dangers - How Poor Topography Can Adversely Affect Your Foundation

Tuesday, February 01, 2022

When a homeowner thinks about home improvements, they normal consider the aesthetics of the improvement.  But that might be putting the cart before the horse if you have topographical issues that can adversely affect the very foundation of your house.  The CrackDaddy explains. $('audio,video').mediaelementplayer(); Narrator: It’s time once again for the “Crack Man Podcast” hosted by A1 Foundation Crack Repair. I’m Darren Kincaid here with the Crack Daddy himself, Adam Tracy. Adam and The Crack Man...

How basement leaks can ruin your foundation during the winter

Monday, January 17, 2022

If you put a jar of turkey stock in the freezer after Thanksgiving and make the mistake of overfilling the jar, the jar will break. So, could the same thing happen to a basement if you have a water leak and a hard freeze? $('audio,video').mediaelementplayer(); Narrator: It’s time once again for the “Crack Man Podcast” hosted by A1 Foundation Crack Repair. I’m Darren Kincaid here with the Crack Man himself, Rich Comeras. Rich has 30...

Will a combination of FlexSeal and Waterproofing Paint stop water from coming into the basement?

Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Well, is milestone day as this is our 300th episode of the Crackman podcast. During these 300 episodes, we have covered in great detail how FlexSeal does an exceedingly poor job of stopping basement water leaks for the long term. So how about this...what if you paint the leaking area with waterproofing paint first and THEN apply the FlexSeal? It’s like double the protection, right? $('audio,video').mediaelementplayer(); Narrator: It’s time once again for the “Crack...

The torrential rains have why is water still coming into my basement?

Monday, December 13, 2021

During the torrential rains of late summer and early fall, A1 Foundation Crack Repair was absolutely slammed with work fixing basement water problems.  But it’s been relatively dry for the last month, so why would water still be flooding certain basements? $('audio,video').mediaelementplayer(); Narrator: It’s time once again for the “Crack Man Podcast” hosted by A1 Foundation Crack Repair. I’m Darren Kincaid here with the Crack Man himself, Rich Comeras. Rich has 30 years’ experience in the...

Everything you wanted to know about bulkheads but were too afraid to ask

Monday, December 06, 2021

Bulkheads are an integral part of the foundation and basement. A1 Foundation Crack Repair gets a lot of calls about them, especially when they are leaking.  The Crack Daddy covers this topic in detail. $('audio,video').mediaelementplayer(); Narrator: It’s time once again for the “Crack Man Podcast” hosted by A1 Foundation Crack Repair. I’m Darren Kincaid here with the Crack Daddy himself, Adam Tracy. Adam and The Crack Man Rich have over 30 years’ experience in the...


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A-1 Foundation Crack Repair, Inc. is a fully registered home improvement contractor. Contact us today to talk to a knowledgeable, master waterproofing professional.