Foundation Crack Repair, Basement Waterproofing Blog

Fix Cracks in Concrete Parking Garages

Friday, June 15, 2012

Generally, as far as building materials go, concrete is very safe and secure. However, over time concrete develop cracks and fissures, especially here in Massachusetts with the dramatic changes in weather. Parking garages are always built with concrete and steel. Parking structures are generally very safe, secure and sturdy. However, if you are a parking garage management company and you are noticing cracks in the cement floors, walls, or any other part of the structure,...

Repair Damaged and Cracked Treatment and Holding Tanks

Friday, June 08, 2012

Concrete is an excellent building material. Reinforced concrete is used to build pipes and tanks. The superior engineering properties of reinforced concrete has had engineers using it to build waste water and treatment tanks. Unfortunately, the reinforcing steel in the concrete has  affected the durability of concrete. The reinforcing steel corrodes and can cause concrete to crack and spall. This reduces the structural integrity of the concrete, and can also accelerate the rate of deterioration...

Loading Dock Crack Repair

Friday, June 01, 2012

You might think that we only do concrete crack repair for homes but we do commercial work too. And one of the most common projects we take on for businesses is cracked cement loading docks. If your loading dock is cracked, you may not believe that you have a problem, unfortunately you are wrong. Cracks in concrete can cause you serious damage in the long run. Here in New England, as the weather changes and...

Spring Means Basement Mold and Moisture

Friday, May 25, 2012

With spring rains, warmer weather and summer right around the corner, mold is a concern for all homeowners, especially in the basement. The humidity levels rise this time of year and mold, moisture and musty odors can become a problem. When your home has high levels of humidity in the basement, you can develop mold. In the spring and summer, dehumidifiers come in handy as rain leads to damp, moldy basements. For a large basement,...

Drought and Rain are Causes of Basement Water

Friday, May 18, 2012

Many towns in Massachusetts are built on old sandy river beds or rocky ledges. Despite the fact that we are in a drought, we have had quite a bit of recent rain. The large amount of rain is almost as bad for the soil as the drought. Soil expands when it freezes and gets wet and contracts when it defrosts and dries. This creates cracks in the soil that can create problems for the homes...

So Much May Rain Means Wet Basements

Thursday, May 10, 2012

We are in a drought, and “they” keep saying we need the rain. Well, there was quite a bit of rain last night and if you awoke to a wet or damp basement, you have some problems. Even if you have never had water in your basement before, you will most likely get it again. Water finds the path of least resistance, and when that much rain falls for so long, unfortunately in many cases...

Air Tight Homes Have Humidity Problems

Friday, May 04, 2012

With air tight doors and windows, along with the construction of tighter homes sometimes there is not enough or proper airflow in a home creating condensation, mold, musty smells and moisture issues. If your home has central AC, it is good practice to install additional vents that lead into your basement to help with minor moisture problems. The air needs room to move, so if your basement is cluttered, an exhaust fan is good. However,...

Home Foundation Inspections if you are Buying or Selling

Friday, April 27, 2012

If you are a have bought a new home, call A-1 Foundation Crack Repair for a foundation inspection.  You don’t want to find water in your basement and then realize that it could have been prevented.  If you see cracks in the basement floor or walls of a home you are buying or selling, call a crack repair specialist.  IF there are cracks in your cement floor or foundation walls, we can determine the underlying...

Stop Mold Before it Starts - Eliminate Wet Basements

Friday, April 20, 2012

With the onset of the warmer weather, basements can become damp and moist. Just the nature of the basement, being below grade, makes them inherent to water problems. The cool basement air mixes with the warmer outdoor air and warm basement foundation and creates humidity. If your basement is damp or moist, mold can grow, causing severe health issues and making it more difficult for you to sell your home in the future. Mold thrives...

Finishing a Basement? Be Cautious of Moisture

Friday, April 13, 2012

If you have just purchased a new home and you are thinking of finishing the basement, there are some things to be aware of. Are there or have there ever been any signs of moisture or water in the basement? If so, STOP, do not do anything. Basement moisture or dampness issues need to be fixed before you do any finish work below grade. With new homes, it is a good idea to wait at...


Call Us Today at 866-929-3171

A-1 Foundation Crack Repair, Inc. is a fully registered home improvement contractor. Contact us today to talk to a knowledgeable, master waterproofing professional.