Foundation Crack Repair, Basement Waterproofing Blog

Basement Crack Repair Stops Vertical Foundation Cracks

Friday, January 11, 2013

Vertical foundation cracks occur most often from poor construction or when foundation concrete shrinks and cures. Basement cracks are common in new construction and in older homes. While vertical foundation cracks do not often lead to structural issues as often as horizontal foundation cracks, they do allow water to enter your home causing water damage and mold. No one wants to live in or buy a home with a leaking foundation. Cracked foundation walls lead...

Inspect Your Foundation for Cracks

Friday, January 04, 2013

With winter here, it is important to check your foundation for cracks. You don’t want water finding its way in when the snow melts or the rain falls. Basements are the place in your home to start your inspection, this is where foundation cracks are most often found.  You are looking for cracks in the foundation, water damage or signs of water damage or leaking. It's pretty easy to find foundation cracks. Look for signs...

Home Foundation Inspection and Repair Tips for Spring Home Sellers

Thursday, December 27, 2012

During this Holiday season, we warmly reflect upon the year that was 2012 and how your faith, confidence, and referral of A-1 Foundation and Crack Repair has further solidified us as the most trusted and sought after foundation repair service provider across Boston MA, NH, RI, and CT.  Your steady stream of feedback regarding how much you value our blog, advice, and foundation repair tips is warmly received.   Today's tip goes out to those...

Basement Cracks Allow Radon into Your Home

Friday, December 21, 2012

Basement crack repair is important because cracks can lead to more than just structural and water problems. Basement and foundation cracks can allow radon gas into your home. In fact, health advocates want homeowners to have their homes tested for the potentially dangerous and cancer-causing gas. Radon exposure is the second-leading cause of lung cancer, after smoking. Radon is caused by the breakdown of uranium when soil degrades. It has no smell, taste or color....

Settlement Cracks Create the Need for Basement Crack Repair in Boston

Friday, December 14, 2012

All homes settle over time. Basement cracks and foundation cracks are often the result. There are effects of these settlement cracks in a home, and there are underlying effects that may result. Settlement cracks can be a serious and unsuspected issue in a home’s structural stability. One of the causes of basement cracks and foundation cracks could be if a home was constructed on poorly compacted soil, causing sinking of the building. There are additional...

Cold Weather Affects Basement Cracks - Basement

Friday, December 07, 2012

Winter weather can harm your basement foundation. How? Water in the soil expands when it freezes, which can move your foundation. Water can also expand the soil around your home which can cause a space between the soil and your foundation. And, any water in foundation cracks will also expand.   When the weather warms up, you have larger foundation cracks as well as areas between the soil and the foundation walls where water can...

Get Basement Crack Repair While Winterizing your Home - Boston

Friday, November 30, 2012

If you have not winterized your home yet, it is time! While you are putting up the holiday lights, take a look around the foundation. Do you have any basement cracks? Have any foundation cracks formed since you last checked?  Very small cracks in the foundation walls are common.  You are looking for larger cracks or, in a block foundation, look for shifting blocks. Any cracks in your foundation need to be repaired, certainly before...

Moving Holdiay Decorations Often Reveal New Residential Foundation Cracks

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

It happens every year.  The day after Thanksgiving our phones light up from home owners needing foundation crack repair in Boston and across MA and RI.  That's the day many of us begin to pull Holiday decorations out of the basement only to discover cracks in the foundation floor and walls.  They weren't there last year, so you are very likely in good shape cause you've discovered them reasonably early. We can't emphasize enough the...

Crack Repair in Concrete Structures in Boston

Friday, November 16, 2012

Concrete is used for many things in the construction industry, including buildings, holding tanks, bridges, and parking garages. For construction, concrete is indispensable. But, there is one flaw: concrete has a low tensile strength and it can crack when subject to tension. Even though it is reinforced by steel, concrete structures become vulnerable if exposed to water. The  tiny cracks on the concrete allow water to seep in and corrode the steel reinforcement. Because of...

Leaky Basements – Basement Crack Repair, Boston

Friday, November 09, 2012

Too many people experience wet basements and don’t do anything about it. Maybe they think it isn’t that big of deal; maybe it is too expensive; maybe it will be too big of a project. Whatever the reason, it is time to get the basement cracks fix and eliminate wet basements. Water in your basement can be serious and can affect the health and safety of your home. When you have a wet basement your...


Call Us Today at 866-929-3171

A-1 Foundation Crack Repair, Inc. is a fully registered home improvement contractor. Contact us today to talk to a knowledgeable, master waterproofing professional.