Foundation Crack Repair, Basement Waterproofing Blog

Preparing For Pests (No We’re Not Talking In-Laws Here)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

...we're talking mice, rats, spiders, roaches and other truly uninvited guests.  Yes, it’s still cold outside, however, warm weather is overdue and thank goodness we will get rid of these coats and sweaters soon enough.  But that also means that dawn also awaits those dormant pests that soon will wake up and begin to enter your home. The folks at "The Family Handyman" offer great preventative maintenance advice that we pass along to you here....

Foundation Crack Repair in Boston

Friday, March 15, 2013

There are many issues that can lead to foundation cracks. But, foundation repair is not a DIY job. When it comes to foundation cracks it is important to find the cause of the cracks and use the right methods to fix the problem and repair the cracks. If cracked foundations go untreated, or is fixed improperly, it could affect the functionality, structural integrity and value of your home. However, there are signs that you may...

Choose Crack Repair Specialists Over DIY Options

Saturday, March 09, 2013

A cracked or leaking foundation can lead to numerous structural problems for homeowners. Too many times homeowners do not take preventative measures when it comes to basement crack repair, basement leaks, water damage, and foundation integrity. If you have basement water issues or foundation cracks, it is important to get a basement crack repair professional rather than attempt to fix this on your own. Foundation cracks and basement concrete cracks need to be fixed in...

Foundation Crack Repair Before Starting Finish Work in the Basement

Friday, March 01, 2013

Many people are choosing home renovations over moving to a new home. One of the most common of these renovation projects is finishing the basement. Before you begin, find out if there has ever been any signs of moisture or water in the basement. A finished basement needs to be protected against water with basement crack repair. Basement water problems and foundation cracks need to be repaired before you begin any finish work. Water can...

Foundations Leak Where Pipes Penetrate

Friday, February 22, 2013

If you are experiencing water in the basement as a result of all of this melting snow, it is time for basement crack repair. While basement water can come from many sources, one very common source is from water, well, sewer and electrical conduit pipe penetrations in the foundation. Commonly, do-it-your-selfers attempt to fix these pipe penetration leaks on their own. Not a great idea. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. So how do these...

Basement Crack Repair Before the Thaw

Friday, February 15, 2013

As the snow starts to melt, basement crack repair picks up in Boston. Basement cracks can cause all sorts of problems as the ground freezes and thaws. Foundations that have never seen water may start to leak.   Basement cracks need to be addressed as soon as they begin so that they don’t turn into larger, more expensive problems. Unfortunately, too many homeowners attempt to fix this problem on their own. Basement cracks need to...

Repair Spalling Concrete Caused by Winter Salt Use in Boston

Friday, February 08, 2013

Salt that is used in the winter on your business driveways and walkways causes pitting in concrete stairs. Salt can have a detrimental effects on concrete. Additionally, garden and lawn fertilizers can also attack your concrete walkways and stairs. As soon as your concrete begins to deteriorate, the expansion of water in concrete during freeze and thaw cycles causes spalling. Spalling is one of the first sign of a concrete problem. It is also caused...

Fix Basement Cracks Before Trying to Sell a Home

Friday, February 01, 2013

If you are buying or selling a home, you know that the real estate market in Massachusetts has really picked up in the last several months.  If you are selling a home that has had basement cracks or basement water problems in the past, those problems need to be fixed prior to the buyers  home inspection. While the market has started to rebound, buyers are still more cautious than ever, and no one wants to...

Causes of Foundation Cracks in Boston Area

Friday, January 25, 2013

Structural or horizontal cracks in the foundation are usually the result of settlement and/or horizontal loading. They can be the result of hydrostatic pressure or from using heavy equipment next to the foundation. Basement cracks result in moisture and gas penetration or water in the basement that can ruin finished wall coverings, floor coverings and furniture. These concrete floor cracks typically result from one or more of the following; 1. Soil settlement beneath the footing...

Are Basement Cracks Serious?

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Far too often, homes in the North East, like Rhode Island and Massachusetts, have foundations that are collapsing. Waterproofing the basement can help you avoid this highly expensive problem. Basement waterproofing helps keep your foundation and basement walls safe and secure. Are Cracks in the Basement Walls Serious? A crack in the walls or floor of the basement, even if they're quite small, can be a sign of much bigger problems to come. Neglecting basement...


Call Us Today at 866-929-3171

A-1 Foundation Crack Repair, Inc. is a fully registered home improvement contractor. Contact us today to talk to a knowledgeable, master waterproofing professional.