Wednesday, May 29, 2024
We're incredibly grateful for a referral on Instagram! A1 Foundation Crack Repair is committed to delivering the best solutions for your foundation issues. The trust and recommendation from our clients and supporters inspire us to keep providing top-notch service. No crack is too big! Contact us today and see firsthand why we get so many referrals.
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Is it common to have a leak at the seam where the floor and wall meet in a newer home? One would think newer construction wouldn’t have problems like that but occasionally, it does. The CrackDaddy explains why and how he fixes it.
Narrator: The topic of today's podcast: My newer home is leaking at the seam where the floor and wall meet. What's happening there? So Adam, is it common having a leak...
Thursday, May 09, 2024
If a homeowner is spending a lot of money to finish their basement, it’s only natural that they would want some kind of guarantee that they won’t have to rip it up in a year to fix a water leak. Is there something you can do to waterproof a basement to prevent water leaks?
Narrator: The topic of today's podcast: How can I waterproof my basement before I finish it? So, Adam, if a...
Friday, May 03, 2024
Basement waterproofing is quite a broad topic. How do you waterproof a basement? Adam explains basement waterproofing at the 30,000 foot level.
Narrator: It’s time once again for the “Crack Man Podcast” hosted by A1 Foundation Crack Repair. I’m Darren Kincaid here with the Crack Daddy himself, Adam Tracy. Adam and The Crack Man Rich have over 30 years’ experience in the construction industry. Rich as over two5 years as the president and founder...
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
In this episode, Adam shares an interesting case study about a bulkhead with a cold joint and how he solved this mysterious leak.
Narrator: It’s time once again for the “Crack Man Podcast” hosted by A1 Foundation Crack Repair. I’m Darren Kincaid here with the Crack Daddy himself, Adam Tracy. Adam and The Crack Man Rich have over 30 years’ experience in the construction industry. Rich as over two5 years as the president and...
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Since sump pumps are operated by electricity, what happens if your power fails for a
long period of time? Are you at risk of a flooded basement? Adam talks about battery
back-up systems for sump pumps.
Narrator: It’s time once again for the “Crack Man Podcast” hosted by A1
Foundation Crack Repair. I’m Darren Kincaid here with the Crack Daddy himself,
Adam Tracy. Adam and The Crack Man Rich have over 30 years’ experience in...
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Sump pumps are often used to pump water out of a basement when water leaks occur. Is that a prime solution or are sump pumps simply a Band-Aid for the real cause of the water problem?
Narrator: The topic of today's podcast: My neighbor thinks I need a sump pump. Do I really need one? So, Adam, sump pumps are used to pump water out of a basement when the water leaks are going...
Friday, March 29, 2024
Most foundations A1 Foundation Crack Repair deals with today are stone foundations and concrete foundations. But there are some structures they come across that have block foundations. What are the common issues they typically see with those?
Narrator: It’s time once again for the “Crack Man Podcast” hosted by A1 Foundation Crack Repair. I’m Darren Kincaid here with the Crack Daddy himself, Adam Tracy. Adam and The Crack Man Rich have over 30 years’ experience...
Friday, March 22, 2024
Lally columns play an important role in holding up your home and keeping the flooring level. Since they’re so critical, how do you know when it’s time to repair or replace one? Adam shares his considerable experience with lally columns and when it’s time to call in a pro to fix one.
Narrator: It’s time once again for the “Crack Man Podcast” hosted by A1 Foundation Crack Repair. I’m Darren Kincaid here with the Crack...
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Stone foundations are found in old homes before the requirements of modern construction standards. So, if you are seeing dust and sand next to your stone foundation, is that a sign that it’s failing? Adam explains what to do.
Narrator: It’s time once again for the “Crack Man Podcast” hosted by A1 Foundation Crack Repair. I’m Darren Kincaid here with the Crack Daddy himself, Adam Tracy. Adam and The Crack Man Rich have over 30...