Foundation Crack Repair, Basement Waterproofing Blog

Sealing your Basement Bulkhead? Don't Do it Yourself! – Boston, MA

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Some homeowners have needed to seal a basement opening like bulkheads, basement windows, and walk-outs, but we have been running in to some serious issues where the DIY homeowners have had some pretty large leaks with novice work. But it hasn’t been only homeowners doing it, we’ve seen contractors who have been doing it as well. They may do an lovely looking job, but they may be filling it up with concrete or blocks and...

DIY Basement Waterproofing...What Could Possibly Go Wrong? – Boston, MA

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Let’s create a scenario. You have a quote from a crack repair company, but it seems a little high, so you are thinking of doing the job yourself. You can try. The percentage of success is very very low. We get all kinds of calls from homeowners and contractors about hydraulic cement, which is the “preferred” method of repair. What they are doing is chiseling out that foundation crack and creating V. Then they are...

Water Damage Remediation - The First 4 Things To Do

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Imagine walking down to your basement and finding a lake. You need to take care of this problem. First you need to find out where the water is coming in and either stop it permanently or temporarily. Within 24 hours, mold can start. Once the water coming into the basement is stopped, you want to remove the water that has entered the basement. You can do this with shop vacs, pumps, or heavy duty extractor...

The Most Common Kinds of Basement Cracks Revealed - Boston, MA

Monday, April 11, 2016

The most common basement cracks we see all over New England are the cracks off of a corner of a basement window, or one off the "step down". This is where the concrete goes from about 8' to about 6' and the concrete steps down. These cracks are common because this is the weakest part of the concrete. In residential construction, they don't put re-bar going horizontal in the concrete for additional strength. And, these...

The Basement Oil Geyser--A New DIY Disaster! - Boston, MA

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

We got a call from a person who wanted pricing on putting in a new lally column. We explained what we do with a lally column is break the floor, dig down, pour concrete--that's called a footing,  and put the lally column on top of it. The reason we do a footing is so it is stable. This man was a DIY type of a guy, and he called us back to say he would...

Concrete Floor Cracks...are they from Shrinkage or Settling? – Boston, MA

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

There are two types of concrete floor cracks, shrinkage and settlement. Shrinkage cracks are from when they pour concrete, which has water in it and the water evaporates too quickly. This happens just like it did to the mud pies you played with as a kid. You put those mud pies on the patio to dry and cracks resulted. You can tell you have shrinkage cracks if the floor cracks are discontinuous, meaning the crack...

DIY Disaster of the Month - A Barrier Around a Sump Pump - Boston, MA

Thursday, March 17, 2016

We had a customer with a problem we see almost everyday. She had a crack in the basement wall off the corner of the window. Then we looked at window also. It was improperly installed and the basement window was leaking too. The prior owner had a sump pump put in and they placed a 4" concrete berm that went around the window area and over to the sump pump, hoping the water would go...

What to do if you See a Horizontal Crack in a Foundation - Boston, MA

Thursday, March 10, 2016

What does it mean if you have a horizontal foundation crack? With a horizontal crack you want to do a little more discovery to see what the problem is. They are more severe than a crack that goes up and down so you want to bring somebody in that knows something about them. A horizontal crack initially means that there has been compromise in your home's foundation. It doesn't mean your home is going to...

How Much of a Basement Wall Crack do you Need to Fix? Boston, MA

Thursday, March 03, 2016

Let’s say you have a large crack in a basement wall but only the bottom half is leaking, is that the only part you need to fix? Of course you need to fix the leaking part. But water will always find a “door” to come in. So, once you fix the leak on the bottom of the crack, odds are you’ll start  to see leaking above or below where you fixed. In order to say...

5 Ways to Identify Potential Foundation Problems - Boston, MA

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Let's start with the first way to identify a potential foundation problem. Without even going into the basement we can identify problems or potential problems. First, if the doors don't open properly or if they don't open the way they used to, if there are problems with the jam working properly. You can also look at the molding around the doors to see if they have pulled away or buckled at all. The next way...


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A-1 Foundation Crack Repair, Inc. is a fully registered home improvement contractor. Contact us today to talk to a knowledgeable, master waterproofing professional.