Foundation Crack Repair, Basement Waterproofing Blog

Live Video Shows Water Squirting from a Foundation - Boston, Sharon, MA

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

We posted a blog a few weeks ago with an amazing video that a customer posted of water literally squirting from a foundation wall crack. We got a call from Sharon, MA the other day when we were getting that heavy rain. It was a block foundation where water was squirting out at the seams where some blocks meet in a block foundation. They were concerned, and rightfully so, that the water was going to...

Having a Basement Water Problem? Where First to Look – Boston, MA

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Whenever we get a call about a basement water problem, there is a little bit of sleuthing that goes inot figure out where the water is coming from. That is where our knowledge comes from. I have been getting quite a few calls in Easter Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire recently where property managers and home owners are calling me about foundation leaks. And, the first thing is ask: “is there a sidewalk or driveway...

Foundation Crack Repairs: Fix from the Inside or the Outside? – Boston, MA

Thursday, November 17, 2016

This is often one of the first questions we get. We can fix foundation cracks from the inside or outside. Let’s talk about outside cracks first. First you have to understand that cracks, when they crack in foundation they go through the foundation so you have it on the inside and outside about 98% of the time. So you can fix cracks from the outside, but it is more time-consuming and there are some limitations....

Tips of Keeping the Basement Dry and Away from Condensation - Boston, MA

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Learn tips of keeping your basement dry and away from condensation. For more information on basement waterproofing, contact A1 Foundation Crack Repair.  

Is that Crack in Your Garage Floor Safe? – Boston, MA

Friday, November 04, 2016

There was a disastrous cave-in where someone fell through their porch! A homeowner had a concrete floor, and the gentleman was doing something on his porch. It gave way and he ended up 15 feet down. Luckily he had his cell phone and he was able to call the fire department and they came and got him out. I started looking online about this. This isn’t the first time. Apparently this has been happening quite...

Leaks from Concrete Wall Cracks - Boston, MA

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

We have written many blog posts about wall crack leaks and have also done quite a few podcasts describing leaks and issues we have faced...and fixed. This is an excellent video that shows what some of these wall crack leaks look like. As the shot pans up and you see the second leak higher up the wall, note the "patch" next to the leak. We see this all the time.  Homeowners attempt a DIY fix...

The Crackman Saves the Day at a Commercial Job in Acushnet, MA

Friday, October 21, 2016

I got a call from a large company out in Utah that was contracted in Acushnet to put up a recycling plant for steel. There were all types of conveyor belts, and large two and three story conveyor belts needed. These conveyor belts were on legs that were bolted onto a concrete floor. A mistake that a contractor had done, is they were supposed to have put epoxy underneath these plates along with the bolts....

The Crackman Becomes Clairvoyant in Bellingham MA

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

We got a call from a fellow over in Bellingham with a foundation crack problem. He was kind of hesitant, but he said, "I tried to fix it." I said, "You probably tried to fix it with hydraulic cement." "Ya I did, how did you know? But it is worse than that. I tried to fix it and it leaked." He worked really hard at it. "You probably, even tried to chisel out the concrete...

Are Basement Waterproofing Paints Worth the Money? - Boston, MA

Thursday, October 06, 2016

There are all kinds of basement waterproofing paints out there with both pro's and con's. Pro's: They look nice. If it is done pretty well, it means that you have cleaned off the wall. Removing the organic material off the wall reduces some of the odor. The basement smell will be reduced. You also reduce the amount of humidity in the basement because this paint blocks some of that moisture in the concrete or block....

When Do You Need to Repoint a Stone Foundation? – Boston, MA

Thursday, September 22, 2016

What is a stone foundation exactly? Here in  New England it is pretty common to see a stone foundation. A stone foundation is foundation that is usually made out of field stones stacked one on top of the other. But to get a full picture of it, think of a triangle and throw stones into the triangle. The tall leg of the triangle is what you are looking at from the inside of the foundation....


Call Us Today at 866-929-3171

A-1 Foundation Crack Repair, Inc. is a fully registered home improvement contractor. Contact us today to talk to a knowledgeable, master waterproofing professional.