Foundation Crack Repair, Basement Waterproofing Blog

Why did my Foundation Wall Crack Suddenly Start Leaking After 20 Years?

Monday, March 25, 2019

$('audio,video').mediaelementplayer(); In this episode, Richard Comeras (aks “The Crackman”) discusses that foundation crack you’ve known about for years and now suddenly it starts leaking. Listen and enjoy! Narrator: It’s time once again for the “Crack Man Podcast” hosted by A1 Foundation Crack Repair. We’re here with the Crackman himself, Rich Comeras. Rich has 30 years of experience in the construction industry and over 20 years experience as the founder and president of A1 Foundation and...

How to Deal with a Wet Basement (and When to Bring in the Pros)

Thursday, March 14, 2019

By Annmarie Timmins Rich “Crackman” Comeras has been in the wet basement business for 20 years, so he’s pretty convincing when he says there are three things in life you can count on: “Death, taxes, and, if you have concrete, it’s going to crack.” And in the right conditions — a trifecta of spring thaw, snow melt, and rain — a crack can lead to water in the basement and even mold, especially if that...

6 Reasons Why Your Sump Pump Isn't Working During a Hard Freeze

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

$('audio,video').mediaelementplayer(); In this episode, Richard Comeras (aks “The Crackman”) shares his top six reasons why your sump pump fails during a hard freeze. Some will make perfect sense…some may surprise you. Listen and enjoy! It’s time once again for the “Crack Man Podcast” hosted by A1 Foundation Crack Repair. We’re here with the Crackman himself, Rich Comeras. Rich has 30 years of experience in the construction industry and over 20 years experience as the founder...

Strange Coincidences with Lally Columns

Monday, February 04, 2019

$('audio,video').mediaelementplayer(); In this episode, Richard Comeras (aks “The Crackman”) shares some interesting vignettes on the history of lally columns along with some weird stuff he runs into as he inspects, repairs, and replaces them. My history with lally colums goes way back. My daughter and son-in-law used to work with me in the business. They were at a party in Hudson Mass. Some of their friends were there, also from Hudson, and my daughter heard...

Can Basement Wall Cracks Lead to Termite Problems?

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

$('audio,video').mediaelementplayer(); Basement wall cracks are somewhat common and you don't always need to panic when you see them. But, is there a concern with cracks that are wide enough that they can allow termites to infest your home? I just attended a conference of pest control companies and what they were talking about was that cracks that are less than 1/64th of an inch (that's really small) can allow termites and carpenter ants in. They...

Everything you Needed and Wanted to Know about Basement Floor Cracks

Monday, January 07, 2019

$('audio,video').mediaelementplayer(); We've been fixing basement floor cracks for more than two decades, no one knows more than us. There are three things in life you can be sure of: death, taxes, and if you have concrete it is going to crack, you just don't know when or where. With basement floor cracks, oftentimes they crack because concrete is like a piece of raw spaghetti, if you have any movement at all it is going to...

Why am I getting So Many Leaks Around the Pipe Penetrations in My Stone Foundation?

Wednesday, January 02, 2019

$('audio,video').mediaelementplayer(); Just recently in Cambridge, MA, there was water coming into the home from around a new water pipe. The water company dug out in front of the house a little bit. Once you dig you disturb the soil which has been getting compacted for what could be around 100 years or for as few as five years. Either way, the rain compacts the soil which helps keep the water from coming into your home....

Panicked New Homeowner Finds Basement Water from Leaky Chimney

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

$('audio,video').mediaelementplayer(); These homeowners had just come home from the closing and thought the water in their basement was coming in from the chimney. They had a plumber come out because the water was right near the furnace and water heater which goes into the chimney. The plumber said everything was okay. So, I further explored with them over the phone on that Friday night. I asked if the water was coming in from where the...

Worcester Firefighter Fights Basement Water Problem with a Pickaxe

Friday, December 14, 2018

$('audio,video').mediaelementplayer(); I had a Worcester firefighter call us up. He lives in Hudson, MA and he had water coming into his finished basement. He couldn't figure out how it was coming in. We told him to go outside and take a look at the wall where it seemed to be coming in from. As you know there can be anywhere from 3" of concrete to feet of concrete showing. He went outside and sure enough...

Water Leakage in Concrete Wall

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

The leakage is coming in through a hole to the right of the stairs at the back wall of the garage. We believe the areas adjacent to the hole are wet from the single leakage source. Below is the photo and video of the leakage observed last week.  


Call Us Today at 866-929-3171

A-1 Foundation Crack Repair, Inc. is a fully registered home improvement contractor. Contact us today to talk to a knowledgeable, master waterproofing professional.