If you are a have bought a new home, call A-1 Foundation Crack Repair for a foundation inspection. You don’t want to find water in your basement and then realize that it could have been prevented. If you see cracks in the basement floor or walls of a home you are buying or selling, call a crack repair specialist.
IF there are cracks in your cement floor or foundation walls, we can determine the underlying and the related defects and fix them. Why have stress every time it rains?
Believe it or not, concrete cracks or cracks in masonry, brickwork, or plaster are not uncommon and can be found in many homes. And most of the time, these repairs can be made without the need for expensive foundation repair work.
Because there are often cracks in foundations, only a specialist can tell you if your crack needs to be fixed before more structural and water damage develops. Contact A-1 Foundation Crack Repair for assistance and an inspection.